Service, repair and maintenance agreements entered into post installation can place exceptionally high demands on lift manufacturers due to the financial risks associated with missing service level agreement targets. This, combined with the health and safety of the users of a lift in operation, means that Contracts Managers within a lift manufacturer’s service department seek to ensure that they have the outward capacity to meet their contractual obligations across the country.
P&N Lift Installations have the capacity to operate as a trusted service and repair sub-contractor and respond to ad-hoc repair work at short-notice. Our years of experience in installation, modification and, critically, servicing of all major lift systems across the OTIS, KONE, Stannah and Schindler ranges means that we can rapidly adapt to any situation and complete the required repair works to get a lift back into operation as quickly as possible.
We undertake ad-hoc repair work as well as regular service and maintenance agreement work all within the scope of an SLA between lift manufacturer and end client. Aspects of this work include aesthetic repairs to dented and scratched doors and housing, replacement of parts including internal car and external lift lobby control panels, rope-shortening, re-roping, lift-sepcific electrical repairs and machine maintenance.
P&N Lift Installations currently service over 150 lifts across the South East of England. For more information or to book a service or request a quote for repairs works, please contact